吴惠良:<<中国艺术品最具收藏与投资100位艺术家>> 作者、策划人兼主编/吴惠良 英译/银杏(美国

吴惠良:<<中国艺术品最具收藏与投资100位艺术家>> 作者、策划人兼主编/吴惠良 英译/银杏(美国) 双语朗诵/薇薇(中国香港) 摘要: 《中国艺术品最具收藏与投资100位艺术家》作品集/宋卫/吴惠良主编——中国文联国际出版社2014.12

内容简介:一个时代有一个时代的精神标示,一个时代有一个时代的艺术精英。 伟大的时代催生伟大的艺术家,伟大的艺术家也因为推动时代前进而荣耀! 100位艺术家如同100颗明星,闪烁着同样迷人的光芒,却又有着不同的运行轨迹与风格呈现,可谓卓然独步,异彩纷呈。他们的作品积极弘扬社会主流价值又具艺术的高水准;坚守中华文化立场、突显民族特色鲜明的"独一个",代表着中国当代艺术发展的方向和高度,具有旺盛而久远的艺术生命力,并且已为和正在为国内外艺术界权威机构和众多收藏家所青睐。他们的作品堪称国内外艺术市场的重要风向标,在今后的某个时期,也必将会掀起一波又一波的"欣赏热"与“收藏热"。 中国艺术品最具收藏与投资100位艺术家 此次入选出版的艺术家有:金鸿钧、杨晓阳、杨飞云、靳尚谊、欧阳中石、刘文西、刘勃舒、刘炳森、刘大为、黄永玉、陈丹青、肖峰、范曾、李焕民、林风眠、林墉、齐白石、徐悲鸿、张大千、杨力舟、哈孜.艾买提、钟增亚、常沙娜、程允贤、赵建成、赵朴初、詹建俊、罗中立、旭宇、朱关田、张海、刘海栗、刘艺、李可染、李铎、李苦禅、潘天寿、潘公凯、王家新、申万胜、启功、沈鹏、韩美林、苏士澍、吴昌硕、吴作人、吴惠良、吴冠中、吴东民、吴善璋、吴长江、吴春生、吴欧、王鹏飞、王琦、王朝闻、王金城、王明明、王学仲、沙更世、沙孟海、关山月、岳敏君、华君武、华拓、华明阳、黄宾虹、黄胄、李少言、罗工柳、萧宽、周韶华、汤文选、查世煜、白雪石、孔可立、聂家声、康家宪、林炎章、熊汉武、刘奎龄、刘继卣、刘炳森、刘志刚、孙晓云、何家英、宋玉麟、曾成钢、杨正吉、施大畏、冯其庸、陈逸飞、朱宏、胡圣辞元、贾雨、徐明、张国富、王鸿新、姚玉荣、秦征、蔡若虹等 出版后将赠送全国图书馆、拍卖公司、企业家及文化部门单位等。 来源:雅昌艺术网 < > Author, Planner and Editor / Wu Huiliang Tr. By/ Yin Xing ( USA) Recited/Mary ( HK China) Abstract: "The 100 Most Collected and Invested Artists in Chinese Art" / Editor-in-Chief Song Wei / Wu Huiliang - China Literature Federation International Press, 2014.12 hyperlink, http://wuhuiliang.zxart.cn/www Summary: An era has its spiritual symbols, and an era has its artistic elites. Great times give birth to great artists, and great artists are honored for moving the times forward! Like 100 stars, 100 artists shine like charming lights, but they also have different trajectories and styles, so they are unique , extraordinary and colorful. Their work actively promotes the mainstream values of society and has a high artistic standard; Adhering to the position of Chinese culture and highlighting the distinctive national characteristics, "The Only One" represents the direction and height of the development of Chinese contemporary art. It has a strong and long artistic vitality and has been and is being recognized and valued by the authoritative institutions of the art world at home and abroad and by many collectors. Their work is an important indicator of the domestic and international art market, and at some point in the future, it will also generat💐 💐 💐 👍 👍 👍 🌺 🌺 🌺
