01)智能驾驶全球研发总部落户武汉 | Baolong establishes global Intelligent Driving R&D headquarters in Wuhan
On May 7, the East Lake High-tech Development Zone inked a cooperation agreement with the Shanghai Baolong Automotive Corporation to establish its global Intelligent Driving R&D headquarters in Optics Valley.
Baolong, founded in 1997, is headquartered in Shanghai. It has over 6,600 staff in nine manufacturing sites, 19 factories, and 11 R&D centers in countries throughout the world including China, the U.S., Germany, Poland, Hungary, and Austria.
02) 天河国际机场境外来宾支付服务中心启用 | Payment Service Center operational at airport
Recently, the Payment Service Center established by the Hubei Branch of the People's Bank of China is officially operational at Wuhan Tianhe International Airport. It will enable the airport to provide "one-stop" payment services for foreign visitors to Hubei.
03) 花湖机场开通至芝加哥国际货运航线 | Ezhou Huahu Airport launches cargo route to Chicago
At approximately 9 p.m. on May 4, a Boeing 747-400 all-cargo plane, carrying 105 tonnes of cargo, departed Ezhou Huahu Airport and flew to Chicago's O'Hare International Airport. This marked the official opening of the international cargo route between the two cities. It is also the first international cargo route connecting the central regions of China and the U.S.
To date, Ezhou Huahu Airport has launched a total of 48 domestic and 16 international cargo routes, progressively building up a network that extends to Europe, North America, the Middle East, and Asia.
04) 迪拜阿拉伯旅游展上,湖北展台火了 | Hubei, a hit at Arabian Travel Market in Dubai
Between May 6 and 9, Hubei, along with other Chinese provinces and cities such as Shanghai, Zhejiang, Sichuan, Shandong, and Shanxi, made its appearance at the 31st Arabian Travel Market. Hubei's exhibition area highlighted and promoted the Wudang culture, the scenery of Shennongjia and the Three Gorges, and Wuhan's cityscape that are becoming increasingly popular with visitors and merchants from the Middle East.
The Arabian Travel Market is the largest annual professional travel exhibition in the Middle East and North Africa. It attracted over 50,000 visitors this year. An impressive 2,500 exhibitors and representatives from more than 150 countries participated in the event.
05) 在汉国际友人参观智能供电所 | Expats in Wuhan visit smart power supply station
供电所工作人员向大家展示该站数字化建设成果。显示大屏上,该站服务区域内供电设施布局一目了然。长江日报记者周超 摄
5月10日,第8个中国品牌日之际,在汉国际友人来到位于黄陂区的盘龙城供电所,参加由国网武汉供电公司举办的“走进国家电网——‘碳’路先锋 ‘电’亮未来”活动,观摩集光储充于一体的智慧微网综合能源系统。他们被中国新能源发展的创新之举惊艳,纷纷表示已是next level了。
On May 10, a group of expats in Wuhan visited the Panlongcheng Power Supply Station in Huangpi District and examined the Smart Grid Energy Management System there which integrates the functions of solar power generation, storage, and charging. They were all amazed by China's innovation in this field.
(Edited by Bao Ruoqiao)
(Intern: Liu Mingjun)